Eric Church - Stick That In Your Country Song Lyrics

Eric Church 'Stick That In Your Country Song' Lyrics:

Take me on up to Detroit City. Jails are full, the factories empty. Mama’s crying, young boys dying. Under that red white and blue still flying

Drop me off in Baltimore. Where every other window’s got a plywood board. Where dreams become drugs and guns. The only way out is to shoot or run

Stick that in your country song. Take that one to number one. Get the whole world singing along. Stick that in your country song

Sing about the man coming back from war. 23 going on 54. He lost a friend, his sight, his hands. Baby girl he’ll never see again

Stick that in your country song. Take that one to number one. Get the whole world singing along. Stick that in your country song

Light the arrow, pull the bow. Shoot that fire right through my soul. Hit my pride. Fist up high. I wanna feel the rush, I wanna feel alive. Come on I want to pound the dash. Stomp the gas, drive too fast. Rock me hard, stop my heart. And blow the speakers right out of this car

Stick that in your country song. Take that one to number one. Get the whole world singing along. Stick that in your country song

Gimme one about the teacher who’s trying to change a life or two. She’ll be rocking out all night with you. Tomorrow she’ll be back in a red brick school. Where kids are climbing off the walls and it’s scary walking down the hall. She’s underpaid, she’s overworked. Come on man shout one out to her

Stick that in your country song. Take that one to number one. Get the whole world singing along. Stick that in your country song