KONVENT - Harena Lyrics

song lyrics "Harena" by KONVENT. Here are excerpts of the lyrics of the song Harena: So you have time to think About days and what is to come Could there be a link To now and what you run from?...". find other song lyrics at Blog Nesialyrics. You can subscribe to this song through official digital media such as iTunes, Spotify and other official online media or you can listen to it through the Youtube.

Harena Lyrics

New winds blow in today
Not born too far away
You know them all too well
A stir in your old shell

‘Cause they told you, you won’t get nothing done
And it’s your burden to ask why and not just run

So you have time to think
About days and what is to come
Could there be a link
To now and what you run from?
What if you have a choice
To act and stop being numb?
Eyes down, avoid the fall
‘Cause up lies mountains tall

You said that you were meant for
Sweeping the dust on the floor forever
But you’re wrong
You’ve wasted your life
On kings and queens
And serpents and everything in between
‘Cause you’re nothing’s what you said
But you could be great
In charge, on top
An icon to everyone who needs rule
You could lead them and be loved
Your purpose is clear for once it’s set
You know what to do and you know how to harvest glory
And the throne

All this time on your hands
Leads to dreams, it’s no good for you
Your abilities go far and that is the truth
But you chose to ignore
The facts of what you could do
Possibilities cry loud as they did in your youth
You’ve been, been here before
The thrill gets to the core
Your throat, it closes up
So it’s best just to stop

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